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Here we have selected some news portals where Fauna or its collaborators gave interviews.

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Date Source Title
23/07/2024 Agroanalysis FGV Balanço de emissões em cem fazendas brasileiras
05/06/2024 Globo Rural Para ex-pesquisador da Embrapa, falta ação para mitigar perdas com clima
15/05/2024 Poder 360 Rio Grande do Sul: a tragédia anunciada
25/03/2024 Harven Agribusiness School’s Fauna visita Harven Agribusiness School
08/11/2023 Valor Econômico Agronegócio: US$ 3,8 tri perdidos por causa do clima
17/10/2023 Planeta Campo Study reveals flaws in UN metrics for emissions in tropical countries
16/10/2023 Globo Rural Study reaffirms the ‘tropicalization’ of calculations on emissions in agriculture
31/08/2023 Sputnik Brasil Brazil is 'light years' ahead of Europe in agricultural production for partnership with Africa
09/08/2023 Estúdio Folha Paths to reconcile sustainable food and energy production
09/05/2023 Giro do Boi Fazenda Nota 10 will encourage the reduction of gas emissions on rural properties
06/01/2023 Globo Rural Soil conservation is decisive in the carbon balance of livestock farming, research shows
30/11/2022 Globo Rural Warnings about the effects of climate change on agriculture were ignored
28/11/2022 Folha de São Paulo Under drought, cattle in the Amazon do not gain weight, and ranchers anticipate selling them for slaughter
21/10/2022 Exame Family farming and research: what agriculture wants for the coming years
21/10/2022 Globo Rural Eduardo Assad says that private agriculture must invest in science and technology
20/10/2022 Correio Popular Climate change has a negative impact on agriculture
11/10/2022 Estadão Pastures: recovery at cost
21/09/2022 Mídia Ninja Candidates from the Amazon praise agribusiness, but do not talk about the impact of deforestation
09/09/2022 Forbes Agro can reduce carbon emissions by 1.1 billion tons
03/09/2022 Exame Carrefour Group will invest R$50 million to combat deforestation
09/09/2022 Forbes Agro can reduce carbon emissions by 1.1 billion tons
03/09/2022 Exame Carrefour Group will invest R$50 million to combat deforestation
28/06/2022 Folha de São Paulo Only 2% of the Safra Plan goes to low-carbon agriculture, criticizes researcher Eduardo Assad
07/01/2022 O Nacional Zarc's man
17/11/2021 Correio Braziliense Investment in education and science
29/09/2021 Planeta Campo Entrevista com Eduardo Assad
15/05/2020 Climacon Entrevista com Eduardo Assad

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